7 Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Seniors
1) Pain Relief
Chiropractic care is one of the most effective and safest forms of health care for pain due to spinal related conditions. Chiropractic is so effective because most causes of spinal disorders are related to abnormalities of the spine and the surrounding soft tissue structures. Doctors of Chiropractic are specifically trained to identify and treat subluxations (misalignments of the vertebrae) and their subsequent effect on the central nervous system. Anti-inflammatory medication and pain relievers merely mask the symptoms and have many undesirable side effects.
2) Increased Range of Motion of the Spine and Extremities
It is ideal to have your infant checked and adjusted as soon as possible after birth. A chiropractor can help resolve spinal problems and nerve distress caused by constraint in the uterus or difficult deliveries. Potential signs of birth trauma are irritability, breathing weakness, difficulty feeding and latching, colic, frequent spit up, asthma, headaches, and more.
3) Increased Balance and Coordinations
Many problems in balance and coordination in the aging population have been shown to come from injury or degenerative changes to the cervical spine (neck region). With aging, mild defects impair mechanoreceptors function and results in a loss of proprioception (sense of body awareness). With decreased proprioception, body positioning in space is impaired and the patient becomes reliant on vision to know the location of a limb.
Studies have shown that chiropractic care can help restore balance and coordination by stimulating the joint receptors (mechanoreceptors) in the cervical spine. This stimulation is thought to help restore or normalize joint receptor functioning which leads to improvements in balance and coordination.
4) Decreased Joint Degeneration
A subluxated (misaligned) spine is much like a misaligned wheel on an automobile. This misalignment will cause the spine (and the wheel) to wear out prematurely. Since all moving parts will eventually wear down over time, it is very important to get your spine aligned periodically. Chiropractic care decreases spinal degeneration and other arthritic changes by normalizing the spinal alignment and reducing spinal stress.
5) Increased Health and Well-Being
We commonly ask our patients what changes they notice once they are out of pain. Here are some regular responses we hear every day: View all testimonials here.
"On my first adjustment I felt a burst of fresh air enter my lungs. I thought, 'No wonder I can't exercise. I wasn't even breathing correctly'. Needless to say I began to feel great!" ~ Maggie
"I'm so happy that I found him and that he healed my back." ~ Melanie
"I have far more energy and far less back pain in my daily life." ~ Ali
"They have given me my life back!" ~ Stephanie
6) Decreased Incidence of Falling
Injuries due to falling are extremely common in the elderly population. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), falls are responsible for 90% of the 850,000 bone fractures which occur annually among Americans past the age of 65. Chiropractors reduce the risk of falls by normalizing the mechanoreceptors of the cervical spine by administering chiropractic adjustments. They also prescribe stretching and exercise programs to increase strength, flexibility, mobility, balance and coordination.
7) Keeps Seniors Out of Nursing Homes
Dr. Ian Coulter from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College studied the benefits of chiropractic care and exercise. In 1996, he published an interesting study in the Journal, “Topics of Clinical Chiropractic" called “Chiropractic care for the Elderly."
- 44% of those who used chiropractic care reported having arthritis compared with 66% in the non-chiropractic care group.
- Those who used chiropractic care were more likely to do strenuous levels of exercise
- At three years follow-up, less than 5% of those who used chiropractic care lived in a nursing home while a staggering 48% of those who did not use chiropractic care did live in a nursing home
- At three years follow-up, only 26% of those who used chiropractic care were hospitalized compared with 48% of those in the non-chiropractic group
We at Stanford Chiropractic Center are privileged to provide services to the elder community here in Palo Alto. Complete quality of life and total body health is our commitment to you.