7 Ways to Defeat Springtime Allergies
- Shut Out Breezes
Keeping indoor air free of your allergy triggers can help ease nasal symptoms. Installing special air filters in your furnace and air conditioning systems can remove 90% to 95% of particles from your indoor air. Closing doors and windows when outdoor pollen counts are high also can help keep pollen and other outdoor allergens out of your home.
- Eat a Healthy Diet
One study found that people who ate a diet rich in fresh vegetables, fruits, and nuts -- particularly grapes, apples, oranges, and tomatoes -- had fewer allergy symptoms. Researchers are still trying to figure out the connection between diet and nasal allergies, but eating a healthy diet is known to do the body a world of good in general. Try adding at least one fresh fruit and vegetable to every meal.
- Use a Nasal Rinse
A nasal rinse cleans mucus from your nose and can help relieve nasal allergy symptoms. It also can rinse away bacteria, thin mucus, and help decrease postnasal drip.
- Drink More Fluids
If you’re feeling congested or have postnasal drip from your allergies, try drinking more water, juice, or other fluids. Drinking extra liquid can help thin the mucus in your nasal passages and may give you some relief. Hot fluids -- such as teas, broth, or soup -- may be especially soothing because they add the benefits of steam. - Learn How to Clean Safely
Keeping your home clean is one of the best ways to avoid indoor allergens. But cleaning with harsh chemicals can irritate your nasal passages and aggravate your allergy symptoms. Try cleaning with ordinary household products like vinegar or baking soda. And use a vacuum cleaner that has a HEPA filter to trap allergens. If your allergies are severe, consider having someone else do the cleaning.
- Try Some Steam
Inhaling steam is a simple way to relieve nasal congestion and can ease breathing when you have allergies. Sit over a hot bowl or sink full of water and place a towel over your head to trap the steam. Or sit in the bathroom with a hot shower running. Use steam several times a day to relieve symptoms.
- Wash Away Allergens
Each time you walk into your home, you bring small pieces of the outside world with you. After being outdoors, your clothes, shoes, hair, and skin are covered with tiny particles from everywhere you’ve been. Taking a shower and changing your clothes will help wash away any allergens. Leaving your shoes at the door will help keep you from tracking allergens through your home.
Read more about how we at Stanford Chiropractic take care of our clients with allergies.
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